ECO is a district-wide culture-change initiative that focuses on personal, political, and systemic environmental change in our schools. We have an ECO team at each of our schools. Teams are a unique blend of teachers, students, parents, custodial staff, and administrators. All ECO teams come together twice a year around a select theme.
The Edgehill ECO Team’s design campaign focused on natural building installations. Here they are working together with community change maker Anna Bonner to construct cob benches at the entry way to their school garden.
Our first gathering is a workshop which aims to educate and inspire students about the chosen theme by featuring the skills of local change-makers from the community. During the 10 years this initiative has been operational, themes have included energy, waste, water, food, packaging, design, and more. Following our workshop, students return to their schools to apply their learning in the creative and scientific process of evaluating a problem, and designing and implementing their culture-change campaign. Each ECO year culminates with a celebration where ECO teams come together to share, learn, and celebrate with one another.
The model originated during our 7 year partnership with Destination Conservation.